How to influence the surrounding society? How to tell different people the same information in an easy and simple way? And what if there is a lot of information? These questions can be easily solved with the help of an information board. Moreover, this accessory will allow you to be creative and support your corporate style, and will become an interesting part of the interior. And we will tell you about the variety of information boards to make it easier to choose.

What types of information boards are there: from magnetic to locked. Boards without pockets and pockets without boards

  • If you don’t have a lot of information, you can use a simple pocket without a base (link to the web store here). The main thing is to approach its design correctly. In the photo, the pocket is made in corporate yellow, so it goes well with the interior of the office.
  • If you do not want to add printing to the information board, this is also possible. On our website, there are examples of a fire stand and a construction site passport that do not contain printing. In the photo you see an information board without pockets dedicated to Mykola Amosov.
  • The chalkboard information board allows you to change the information as much as you need, experiment with chalk colors, drawings, and fonts. Price in the online store.
  • The magnetic information board is perfect for hospitals and similar institutions where information can change every day and must be clearly conveyed. The base of such a stand is metal, and positions, names, offices, schedules, etc. are placed on magnets. View the product in the online store.
  • If a rectangular information board is too boring for you, you can always make a shaped one. For example, an interesting information stand was made for the Choco Bar. You can make a miscalculation in our online store.
  • Several layers of content on an information stand is also a good solution. This allows you to divide the information into blocks for better perception.
  • If you wish, the information board can be decorated with a frame: wooden in the case of a chalkboard, or a Nelson profile. The photo shows an information board for a German eye clinic with an aluminum profile. You can order it in the online store.
  • For outdoor information stands, it is a great idea to install a special door with a key. This allows you to protect the information presented from many factors of influence. The price of the product can be found here.

How information stands are created: materials, production methods

Different materials are used to make information boards, the choice of which depends on the location of the information stand and your tastes. In the photo, you can see an information board made of colored acrylic with the inscription “consumer corner”. An information board made of plexiglass will not distract from reading. You can order it in our online store. A very common material for information stands is composite, because it can withstand the effects of the external environment on the street. For indoor use, lightweight PVC plastic is more commonly chosen. You can find a link to its price here.

What should you pay attention to when choosing an information stand design?

  • first, the background. You can choose the color of the base by looking at the layout of the desired material (photo №1 – composite color swatches).
  • secondly, there are different ways to apply the image. If you want more color, UV printing will help to convey any shades, gradients, curls, and the smallest details (photo №2 – Golden Horseshoe information stand). If you are interested in a minimalist design and a minimum of colors, images with text can be applied with film (photo №3 – Mill Hub information stand).
  • Pockets can also be decorated with colored film (photos №№2, 3, 4). This is a good option that allows you to hide the double-sided tape that glues the pocket to the base.

What else can be done with pockets

The pockets can be made without a finger notch, with a notch, or with a beveled corner, as in the photo of the Golden Park information stand. The standard sizes of pockets are A3, A4, A5, but other sizes can be made to order. A wide variety of pocket formats is shown in photo №2. The thickness of the basket can also be adjusted if you need more space for printing. This can be easily done with PVC plastic, as in photo №3. According to your requests, it is possible to combine pockets of different thicknesses and formats on one information stand, and to allocate part of the base for texts, logos, QR codes. An example of such a combination is photo №4.

How to mount information boards

Lightweight PVC information stands can be conveniently glued to the wall with double-sided tape (photo №1). Heavier material is best fixed with distance holders (photo №2, №3). Each individual situation may require other methods of fastening, such as self-tapping screws or plastic ties. An information stand held on hanging holders looks interesting (photo №4).

The pockets can also be attached to the base not only with double-sided tape, but also with distance holders and decorative bolts (photos №2, №3).